Asadollahi eco tourism and sustainable operations
After four years, we, as an ecolodge have tried to have shopping from those shops and work with marketing personnel that have been trained in sustainability principles and that display values compatible with the ecolodge.
These are the examples of Asadollahi Green Shop eco tourism and sustainable operations:
- When you go to Asadollahi Green Shop in Qasem Abad village, you can see that rubbishes are separated and there are notes in English, German and Persian to keep our village as clean as possible.
- If you take back the plastic bags or bottles, you will get a little money and especially kids are presented with simple books about sustainable environments or snacks and ice-cream. In this case, children are encouraged to come to the shop not only for buying, but also to tell the owner about their eco- activities in their house.
- They say the feedbacks from the parents are effective and they try to join the children too. “When the kids are leader in conservation, it means we are in the right direction” Asadollahi said.
- They have also some special bags behind which a good philosophy stands. Asadollahi have prepared these bags from the women in the village who are producing them as handicrafts. He says in this way he is protecting the textile workshops and telling people that they will protect their local handicrafts by having the bags while they will never need plastic bags.
He used to be a teacher and exactly know what to do to have a clean village. His two boys help him. They try to buy and sell some commodities which are rapped with recyclable materials. They say since in the village there isn’t any system to gather and recycle rubbishes, it is important to refuse to buy something which will be a danger for the nature.
They also rent bicycles to the guest and customers. They themselves walk from their house to the shop.

Now Asadollahi shop is a good sample for managing the waste and eco tourism and sustainable operations. Gileboom ecolodge has a good intercommunication with the owner. This shop is the most visited shop in the village and a good example for sustainable operations.