The duration of this hike is six hours. We shall move in the south-west direction, from Chale-Sara towards Fin-Deh. Along the way we shall pass two cowsheds (known as Sare in Gilaki language). The trees in Sarve-Lat protected area include alder, maple, beech, hornbeam, honey locust and wild persimmon. It takes one hour from Fin-Deh to reach the col, which often has cool winds. The area is foggy most of the year (fall, winter, and first spring).
From the col, we continue hiking towards Afra waterfall, which is 4 meters tall and surrounded by thick maple trees. Beautiful basins are formed along the waterway. Passing a large cowshed in the south of the waterfall, we continue walking towards ‘Plat-Kale-Sar’ tea farm and reach the village within two hours.

Before the Trip Please Prepare:
- Hiking Stick
- Cap
- Light rucksack
- One meal
- Camera
- Long sleeve shirt
- 1 L Water
- Hiking shoes