Greywater reuse in Gileboom

What is the Greywater and Black-Water?

Waste-water from showers, bathroom sinks, and other wash sinks is known as greywater. Water from kitchen sinks, dish washers, and washing machines—where the water is more heavily contaminated with food particles, grease and detergents—is known as black water. However, if we use arrestors and biodegradable detergents, the vast amounts of water from washing machines and kitchen sinks should be just fine for irrigation. The waste water from the above sources is then treated and filtered using sand, gravel, mechanical and biological filters.

There are four stages for Greywater reuse:

1.Collection (of all the points generating grey water, pipes and grades) 

We have done this step in Gileboom and Greywater is collected in a basin.

Collection , first step of Greywater Reuse , we have also Biological Treatment here
Collection of Greywater, we have also Biological Treatment here

2.Treatment (of grease traps/arrestors, septic tanks, aerated treatment, etc.) Septic tank and grease traps are done as well.

3.Filtration (of reedbeds, sandfilters, etc). This step is done in Gileboom, in which Greywater passes through reedbeds and sands.

Mechanical Treatment and Filtration , second and third step of Greywater Reuse
Mechanical Treatment and Filtration

4.Storage (in tanks, etc)

Also in Gileboom ecolodge we use only Eco-washing liquid to clean the dishes while we add Ash to the liquid for better cleaning.

In Greywater Reuse of Gileboom, Greywater is used in a very small basin like wetland around which we have grown bamboo plants, maple trees, Iron woods and other bushes.

Bambo plants around small basin wetland
Bambo plants around small basin wetland
Iron wood plants around small basin wetland
Iron wood plants around small basin wetland

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